Website ist noch in Bearbeitung.
Für einige der Trips in der Menuliste ist daher die entsprechende Seite größtenteils leer.
Nachstehende Trips sind bereits online:
Pacific Crest Trail 1997, Canol Heritage Trail 1999, Sierra
High Route 2002 (Winter), Great Divide Trail 2003, Halbinsel Kola
2004 (Winter), Rogers Pass 2005 (Winter), Polar Circle Trail 2005, Appalachian Trail 2006,
Grand Tetons 2007 (Winter), Bowron Lakes 2007, Dalsland Kanal
2008, Belize 2009 (Winter), Ontario 2009, Baja California 2010 (Winter), Yukon 2010, Banff 2010, Utah 2011, Island 2011, Chile 2011, Island 2012 (Winter) und Schottland-Norwegen 2012. Siehe unten.
site is still under construction.
Therefore for some of the trips on the menu the corresponding page is still mostly empty.
The following trips are already online (german only, but you can always look at the pictures :-))
Pacific Crest Trail 1997, Canol Heritage Trail 1999,
Sierra High Route 2002 (Winter), Great Divide Trail 2003, Peninsula
Kola 2004 (Winter), Rogers Pass 2005 (Winter), Polar Circle Trail 2005, Appalachian Trail 2006,
Grand Tetons 2007 (Winter), Bowron Lakes 2007, Dalsland Canal
2008, Belize 2009 (Winter), Ontario 2009, Baja California 2010 (Winter), Yukon 2010, Banff 2010 (Winter), Utah 2011, Iceland 2011, Chile 2011, Iceland 2012 (Winter) and Scotland-Norway 2012. See below.